Make Money on the Internet:
Right Idea, Right Time, Right Web Host
You hear about these success stories all of the time – people who quit their jobs and are making handsome money on the world wide web. Sometimes very big money, as in billions of dollars. Of course, that’s the exception to the rule, but the rule isn’t too bad. If you do it right, you can supplement and even replace your paycheck and gain earnings independence – the stuff of dreams.
A place to upload videos? Sorry, it’s already been done – more than once. But it doesn’t have to be an expensive, brain-buster idea. Just helpful. Here’s an example. One man bought a book for his son on how to make paper airplanes. In the process of creating the airplanes, the book itself had to be cut up and basically destroyed. So this give the dad a pretty good idea – a web site that allowed paper airplane downloads – complete with video demonstrations on how to fold the origami flyers.
At first, he didn’t get many hits because he was buried in the search engine results pages. But within six months, he was clearing $200 every 30 days and within in a year he was up to $600 monthly. Not enough to quit his day job, but enough to make a real difference in the quality of his life!
Spend a few hours on the web and you’ll quickly discover that there are lots of individuals, just like you, earning real money on the web. One doctor in
- get rich quick schemes
- any kind of investment that can’t be explained in one sentence
- flipping and rehabbing old homes for money
- single-topic e-books with dedicated web sites consisting of a single, hype-filled sales letter
- multi-level marketing (MLM) businesses (pyramids)
- anything that makes you uncomfortable because you’ll be working with the
topic everyday
Second, the Right Time
That’s now. The W3 is the fastest growing marketplace ever and the sooner you become a part of it the sooner you can grab your piece of the pie.
How are these for impressive numbers? The National Mail Order Association recently announced that 75% of all web users now use the web to make, or at least research, a purchase. Three out of four web surfers use the W3 as a primary source for easy comparison shopping.
At one time, people were afraid to provide personal information online, fearing that it could (would) be stolen. However, today’s commercial sites employ heavy duty encryption (coding) to make sure the black hats are kept at bay so, each year, the number of people who recognize the convenience of online shopping grows. In 1999, 25% of web users made a purchase. In ’06, that number jumped to 75% - a 50% increase in just seven years. Now that’s a market you want to be in!
Third, The Right Web Host
You don’t need millions of dollars or even thousands of dollars to make money on the web. With the right web host (web hosts connect your cyber store to the world wide web) you can start your own business for less than $100. $100!
Web hosts – at least the really good ones – provide all of the tools, applications and services you need to build and administer a web site without driving yourself crazy. That means you don’t have to hire some computer geek to build your web store. You can become a computer geek and build it, run it and make it profitable – in a matter of months. And believe this – once you learn the basics, you’ll be hooked. Instead of watching reruns on the TV, you’ll be working on your web store, not because you have to, but because you want to.
Now, not all web hosts deliver great service and a lot of free applications and services so shopping around and comparing host A and host B is very important. Here’s what to look for:
- low monthly subscription (less than $10 a month should do it for starters)
- free site-building, check-out and other necessary storefront tools – and you want
them free (shop around, you’ll find terrific deals)
- 24/7 tech support (so you’re never alone)
- free tutorials, articles, blogs and other ‘how-to’ information on commercial websites, marketing, SEO, etc.
- a track record – a web host that’s been around longer than last Tuesday. Go for
the company that’s been around for at least five years. Longer is better.
Building Multiple Revenue Streams
This is how the rich get richer. They don’t rely on a paycheck alone. They have stocks and bonds, they own real estate and run a second or third business after getting home from their day jobs. And they love it!
The world wide web offers lots of ways to build multiple revenue streams. First, there’s your main product(s) and the income derived from direct sales. That may take a while to build but, the more you learn the more you earn. But that’s just one way to squeeze cash from a website.
Google Adwords is a pretty nifty money maker. When you sign up, Google places ads on your site related to your site’s content. It’s called contextual advertising because the ads placed on your site are related to the products or services you sell. And each time a visitor to your site clicks on one of these links and performs the most desired action (buying something) you make money. Remember that doctor from
There are other PPC programs that place banners and other adverts on your site. Some of these aren’t PPC at all. Companies will pay to rent the top half of your homepage whether you’re delivering click-throughs or not.
Affiliate programs are a terrific way to earn money passively, i.e., no additional work on your part. Visit a site called Commission Junction at cj.com. There you’ll find hundreds of companies, large and small, who will place an ad on your site. Then, when one of your visitors clicks on that link and makes a purchase, you get a flat fee or a percentage. Example?
eBay will pay you $12 to $22 for every signup that comes through your site plus a percentage of sales that signup makes. There are websites that are making six-figure incomes driving traffic to eBay alone! Add a couple of other affiliates to your site and you can see how profitable affiliate programs can be.
In cases like this, you don’t have to sell a thing. Simply build a site that offers web store owners additional revenue streams and see your bottom line grow with each month.
And, believe it or not, these money-making opportunities are just the tip of the iceberg. There are people who buy, sell and trade domain names. If you have a popular site, you can auction off links for a flat fee or a percentage. If you’re a writer, you can earn money by uploading your book to a site like Clickbank.com where it will be sold by other web sites and you pocket part of the sale price.
The money-making opportunities offered by the world wide web are limited only by your imagination. We haven’t begun to imagine the ways people will use this untapped medium to develop revenue models.
The W3 – It’s a Wild Place
Maybe because it’s so new. Or maybe because it delivers a global market. Or maybe it’s just that people are tired of fighting for a parking space at the mall but whatever the reason, the W3 is the perfect place for the small entrepreneur to start. Low start-up and maintenance costs (no rent to pay each month), flexibility to change your revenue model with a few clicks, no need to carry inventory and lots of additional ways to generate cash beside direct sales of your products.
If you’ve got the entrepreneurial drive, the web will provide virtually endless opportunities to generate income. Maybe a few hundred bucks a month; maybe enough to retire before you’re 40. It depends on you, your ambition, your idea and a web host in the business of helping its clients grow to success by offering everything they need to become successful.
It’s also a place to test products and marketing strategies quickly and efficiently so if one thing isn’t working, drop it and move on to the next product, service or the next big thing to hit the web world.
You don’t need an MBA. You don’t have to be a computer genius. You don’t need a lot of space and you certainly don’t have to mortgage the farm to raise the money to get started. For just $100 a year, you can build and launch a web site that will make money – if you plan carefully, find the right idea and the right web host with which to partner.
Each day, 6,000 new web sites are launched around the world so somebody is making money. Why not you? Do your research – there’s tons of it out there free. Talk to web site owners through blogs and forums. Learn from the mistakes of others and take advantage of their success.
The world is waiting for the next great idea to hit the W3. Maybe it’s that idea that you’ve been mulling over for the past few months. The best way to find out is to do it. With a downside risk of $100 and upside potential that enables you to chart your own course for true financial success, the world wide web has become the great equalizer where anyone with a good idea and enough follow-through can improve their lives and the lives of their families.
The world is waiting for you and that next big thing. So, what are you waiting for?
Ready to start your own web biz or pump up your current site's conversion and traffic? Drop me a line. "This ain't no disco. This ain't no foolin' around."
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