Action Words: Motivate and Inspire
The words you choose, whether writing site text or a sales letter, often make the difference between closing the deal and missing a golden opportunity.
Make your writing more interesting, engaging and compelling through the use of action words and phrases. Would you rather learn something or uncover or discover something?
Would you rather be well-known or acclaimed? Which is better: to hasten business growth or to accelerate that growth? Words have more than a literal meaning. They also have connotations. In the above example, hasten connotes “rushed” while accelerated connotes a desired and quick increase.
So, to help you spice up your writing, here’s a list of some action words you can use in place of beige, blah bunk. Add zip, zingo, panache and just a touch of punch to your writing, whether you’re writing an instruction manual or the text for a newspaper advert.
Action Words
acclaime,d accelerate, improve,
achieve, manage, oversee
fabricate, free, accomplish
launch, ignite, expand
increase, train, secure
balance, mold, shape
leading-edge, bleeding-edge, state-of-the-art
ahead-of-the-curve, far horizon, grounded
elevate, electrify, astound
resolve, grow, discover
uncover, exceed, activate
impact, grab, demand
power up, grow margins, slash costs
revamp, (re)design, saved
salvaged, recovered, resuscitate
rejuvenate, exclaim, revitalize
generate, streamline, innovate
defend, gain the advantage, win
overpower, overwhelm, clobber (humor)
You get the idea so pull out your thesaurus and you’ll discover a slate of action words that will expand your lexicon and make you a better web writer.
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